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Distributionssystem Marketing channels

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En presentation över ämnet: "Distributionssystem Marketing channels"— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Distributionssystem Marketing channels
Petra Andersson

2 Marketing channels - definitioner
,,,”a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption.” (Coughlan et al. (2006). p2) ,,,” an organized network (system) of agencies and institutions which, in combination, performs all the activities required to link producers with users to accomplish the marketing task.” (Berman. (1996). p5)

3 Distributionskanal Utgörs av ett antal mellanled som agerar mer eller mindre beroende av varandra - med målsättningar och förväntningar som kan stå i konflikt med varandra Syftet med en kanal är att tillhandahålla slutkund en önskad kombination av det utbud man presterar (avseende sändningskvantitet, ledtid, tillgänglighet, pris) Slutkunder påverkar distributionsstrukturen/ kanalens utseende genom sin efterfrågan

4 Beskrivning av ett distributionssystem
Noder och länkar Antal nivåer Beslutspunkter Produktegenskaper (volym, vikt, densitet, ömtålighet, värde/vikt) Tidskrav

5 Distributionssystemets utmaning
Rutinisera transaktioner/utbyten Reducera antalet transaktioner/kontakter Reducera kostnader  Bibehålla servicenivåer

6 Number of Channel Levels
Channel Level - Each Layer of Marketing Intermediaries that Perform Some Work in Bringing the Product and its Ownership Closer to the Final Buyer. M C Direct Channel M R C Indirect Channel M W R C M W W C R

7 How a How a Marketing Intermediary Reduces the Number of Channel Transactions

8 Selling Directly

9 Selling Through One Wholesaler

10 Selling Through Two Wholesalers
Manufacturers 28 Contact Lines Wholesalers Retailers

11 Marketing Channel Functions
These Functions Should be Assigned to the Channel Member Who Can Perform Them Most Efficiently and Effectively to Provide Satisfactory Assortments of Goods and Services to Target Customers. Risk Taking Information Promotion Financing Contact Physical Distribution Negotiation Matching

12 Members in the marketing channel
Manufacturers – branded or private-label Intermediaries – for instance wholesalers, retailers and 3PL End-Users – business customers or individual consumers

13 Wholesalers (Coughlan et al. (2006). p436)
“business establishments that do not sell products to a significant degree to ultimate household consumers. Instead, these businesses sell products to other businesses” (Coughlan et al. (2006). p436) “involves the buying or handling of merchandise and its subsequent resale to organizational users, retailers, and/or other wholesalers but not the sale of significant volume to final consumers.” (Berman. (1996). p147) Page 436

14 Retailing “Retailing consists of the activities involved in selling goods and services to ultimate consumers for personal consumption.” (Coughlan et al. (2006). p377) “Retailing consists of those business activities involved in the sale of goods and services to consumers for personal, family, or household use”. (Berman. (1996). p8)

15 The generic flows Physical possession Ownership Promotion Negotiation
Financing Risking Ordering Payment Se på två ställe

16 Marketing flows in the channel

17 Mellanhänder – vem göra vad?
med/utan bearbetning/vidareförädling med/utan lagerhållning (kundspecifikt) Ägandenyttan övergår/övergår inte (VMI) Begränsat/fullt sortiment

18 Funktioner i distributionskanaler
Utförs av tillverkare mellanhand kund Kundbearbetning Information/order Sortiment-bredd/djup ”rumslig bekvämlighet”-show room/butik/one-stop-shopping Transport/break bulk Lagerhållning Materialhantering Kreditgivning/riskbärande Överföring av ägandenytta Produktbearbetning/vidareförädling Kundkontakt/returer/garantiåtagande

19 Spekulation - Postponement
Spekulation - i förväg bedöma efterfrågan och lagra produkter för att skapa tillgänglighet (tillverkning mot lager) Postponement eller senareläggning av aktiviteter. (tillverkning mot kundorder) 2 huvudtyper: Senarelagd differentiering/anpassning Geografisk senareläggning

20 Postponement – senarelagd differentiering
Utformning av produkter i oberoende moduler, vilka kan monteras och kombineras till olika varianter/produkter Utformning av tillverkningsprocessen/ tjänsteprocessen så att den består av delprocesser som kan omformas i tid och rum Lokalisering av noder (tillverkningsställen/ monteringsställen/lager) för att understödja att differentieringen kan göras inom rimlig ledtid

21 Värdeadderande distributörer
halvfabrikat/köpkomponenter lagerhålls av distributör på lokal marknad Efter kundorder färdigställs kundspecifika produktvarianter -> formnytta och variantskaparroll

22 Exempel på värdeadderande verksamhet
Enklare montage Komplettering med tillbehör Blandning Satsning Sortering Sekvensläggning Justering/konfigurering Packning Märkning/etikettering

23 Drivkrafter bakom (lokala) värdeadderande distributörer
Marknadskrav på fler produktvarianter/kundspecifika produkter Minimera risker (kapitalbindning/inkurans) Reducera kostnader Korta leveranstider – anpassning görs lokalt närmare marknaden istället för hos avlägsna produkttillverkare

24 Definition of customer service
,,,a process which takes place between the buyer and seller, and third party. The process results in a value added to the product or service exchanged. ,,, (Lambert et al. (1998). P41)

25 Elements of customer service
Pre-transaction elements Written statement of policy Customer receives policy statement Organizational structure System flexibility Management services Transaction elements Stockout level Order information Elements of order cycle Expedite shipments Transship System accuracy Order convenience Product substitution Post-transaction elements Installation, warranty, alterations, repairs, parts Product tracing Customer claims, complaints, returns Temporary replacement of products

26 Mätning av leveransservice/prestation
Vilka leveransservicemått är viktiga? Hur definieras de? Gemensam definition i distributionskanalen? Hur operationaliseras de – hur mäts de? Skillnader? Fångar leveransservicemåtten kundens upplevelse av service? Vilka gap finns? (Jfr gapmodell)

27 Gap modell

28 Electronic channels A channel that involves the usage of Internet as a tool in reaching the end-user or a channel where the end-user shops on-line

29 Product supply Creation of catalogue Register of customers
Utmaningar – e-handel Product supply Creation of catalogue Register of customers Order and transport Stock balance Returned goods

30 Distributionsystem - Logistikaktiviteter
Transporter Lagerlokalisering Lagerstyrning Process Partiformning Säkerhetslager Variationer Materialhantering Kommunikation - information

31 Bullwip The further back in the supply chain you are, the more pronounced is the effect! +40% +28% +16% +25% +10% 0% -10% 10 months Retailers orders from customers Distributors orders from retailers Factory warehouse orders from distributors Factory production output

32 Phases of relationships

33 - early interaction is important Expansion
Managing the phases Awareness -don't rush Exploration - early interaction is important Expansion - both sides need to share risks and benefits Commitment - maintain the relationship Decline and Dissolution

34 Cooperate and Integrate, why?
Improve a company’s performance Reducing costs Increased service levels Reduce inventory levels Better utilization of resources Effectively respond to changes in the marketplace

35 Basics in cooperation Commitment Work towards the same goal
Resistance towards temporary businesses Trust “the firm’s belief that another company will perform actions that will result in positive outcomes for the firm, as well as not take actions that would result in negative outcome for the firm” (Anderson and Naurus. (1990))

36 Commitment – dyad perspektiv

37 Signs of commitment in the channel

38 Vertical Integration To become one, both up- and down-stream in the supply chain Make or buy; Strategically important choices to be taken in the marketing channel

39 Disadvantages and advantages of vertical integration
Costs Risks Outside core business Advantages Control Improvements Profit

40 Channel Power “the ability of one channel member to induce another channel member to change its behavior in favor of the objectives in the channel exerting influence” (Gaski. (1984)) Power is the ability of one channel member (A) to get another channel member (B) to do something it otherwise would have not done. (Coughlan et al. (2006). p197)

41 Sources of power Coercive power – tvingande makt, kanalmedlem har möjlighet att straffa en annan medlem Icke tvingande makt: 2. Reward power – belöning/premiera “promise strat” 3. Referent power – overall image 4. Expertise power – besitter kunskap 5. Persuasier power – övertalning/övertygelse/rationella t ex storlek/finansiell pos. 6. Legitimate power – ägande – vertikal integration 7. Information power - POS-data t ex värdefull

42 Conflict (Stern and El-Ansay.(1992))
” A situation in which one channel member perceives another channel member to be engaged in behavior that is preventing or impeding him from achieving his goals.” (Stern and El-Ansay.(1992)) Channel conflict is behavior by a channel member that is in opposition to its channel counterparts. It is opponent centered and direct, in which the goal or object sought is controlled by the counterpart (Coughlan et al. (2006). P244)

43 Positive consequences of conflict
Communicate more frequently and effectively Establish outlets for expressing their grievances Critically reviewing their past actions Devise and implement a more equitable split of system resources Develop a more balanced distribution of power in their relationship Develop standardized ways to deal with future conflict and keep it within bounds

44 One definition of Supply Chain Management
The management of upstream and downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole. (Christopher. (2005). P5 Reflektion - Superior customer value – indikerar Demand driven ändå används SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT )

45 Another definition of Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is the integration of business processes from end user through original suppliers that provides products, services, and information that add value for the customers. (Lambert et al. (1998). P504)

46 Supply Chain Management
A concept that argues that customer service is created through the value-adding activities of all channel members Requires: end-user focus effective channel management effective logistics

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