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Sir Isaac Newton born 4 January 1643, and death 31 March 1727 was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and.

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En presentation över ämnet: "Sir Isaac Newton born 4 January 1643, and death 31 March 1727 was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Sir Isaac Newton born 4 January 1643, and death 31 March 1727 was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who is perceived and considered by a substantial number of scholars and the general public as one of the most influential scientists in history.

2 Isaac Newton och gravitationen
“I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy laying on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me” slide=0 min total=0

3 Kommentar (I)

4 Kommentar (II) ?

5 Kommentar (III)

6 Kommentar IV

7 Isaac Newton och gravitationen
Vägen till Principia 1.1. Den vetenskapliga revolutionen 1.3. Newtons tidiga liv 1.2. Vilken kraft styr planeterna? Utveckling av Principia 2.1. Samhället i England 2.2. 1/r2-beteende 2.3. en universell kraft 2.4. Principia Efter Principia 3.1.Tester av Newtons teori 3.2. Opticks 3.3. Newton idag 1689 (Godfrey Kellner) 1702 (Godfrey Kellner) slide=0 min total=0 1712

8 Isaac Newton och gravitationen
Vägen till Principia 1.1. Den vetenskapliga revolutionen 1.3. Newtons tidiga liv 1.2. Vilken kraft styr planeterna? Utveckling av Principia 2.1. Samhället i England 2.2. 1/r2-beteende 2.3. en universell kraft 2.4. Principia Efter Principia 3.1.Tester av Newtons teori 3.2. Opticks 3.3. Newton idag slide=0 min total=0 Porträt Newton, 1689 (Godfrey Kellner)

9 Juliansk till Gregoriansk
46 f.Kr. - Juliansk kalender (Julius Caesar) 365,25 medelsoldygn i ett år 1582 – Gregoriansk kalender införd av påven Gregor XIII 365,2425 medelsoldygn i ett år 1753 – gregoriansk kalender i Sverige Här: alltid gregoriansk kalender, även för datum innan 1582

10 Den vetenskapliga revolutionen
Utvecklingen av himliska och jordiska mekaniken på och 1600-talet

11 Ptolemaios ( AD) Stjärnor som guddomlig makt, de bestämmer jordiska rörelser 7 planeter – organiserad efter hastigheten mot fixsjärnhimlen månen merkurius venus solen mars jupiter saturnus slide=5min (draw picture of planetary movement on blackboard) Show churches world view in the end total=5.5min

12 “ Heaven, realm and dwelling place of God and of all the elect“
0min From “Ptolemy of Alexandria, who lived in the second century A.D. developed the basic scheme of the universe which dominated astronomy until the time of Copernicus. This diagram shows Ptolemy's system of heavenly spheres adapted to a Christian worldview. The outermost sphere is labeled, "Heaven, realm and dwelling place of God and of all the elect." The next set of three spheres are the spheres of the fixed stars. Several constellations are represented by signs of the zodiac. Moving further in, the next seven spheres are for the seven planets: Saturni (Saturn), Iovis (Jupiter), Martis (Mars), Solis (Sun), Venens (Venus), Mercvrii (Mercury) and Lvnae (Moon). At the center of the Solar System was the Earth. The outer edge of the Earth was the sphere of air or atmosphere. Next came the sphere of water or hydroshere. Finally came Earth itself. At the center of the Earth was Hell, the realm of Satan.”

13 Från medelålder till modern tid (I)
Precisionsmekanik  klockor [första klockor uppfanns redan på 1100-talet, men det handlade om tornklockor, som jobbade med mycket friktion och lite noggrannhet.] På 15-talet: väldigt exakta hjul med lite friktion (teknik från guldsmedarna) “Konstgjord tid”  förändrar samhället, för livet kan nu organiseras m.h.a. tiden slide=1min total=6.5min The earliest known watches were made in Germany at the beginning of the 16th century. They were scaled-down versions of the slightly earlier table-clocks and were made wholly of iron. An example of the movement of one of these watches is shown on the left and dates from the first half of the 16th century. The watch on the right has an outer ring of dial figures running from I to XII and an inner ring that runs from 13 to 24. Although made in Germany, it was intended for use in Italy where a 24-hour system of of hour-reckoning was employed until the late 17th century. This watch would have been worn suspended from a cord slung around the wearer's neck. This is an example of a spring-driven verge escapement watch movement, which would have been used in one of these early drum watches. It is fitted with a stackfreed regulator, which helps to control the rate at which the spring unwinds by friction. The watch would have been wound each day by hand.

14 Från medelålder till modern tid (II)
Uppfinning av teleskopet Galilei fick veta om teleskopets uppfinning i 1608  konstruerade eget teleskop, refraktor Litet synfält (bara 1/3 av månen i synfältet) Förstorning ~ faktor 14 slide=1min total=7.5min This is a replica of one of the earliest telescopes made by Galileo Galilei ( ) after he learnt of the invention of the telescope in This refracting telescope magnifies only 14 times and gives a very restricted field of view. As a result Galileo was only able to view about a third of the Moon through his telescopes. However, despite these limitations, Galileo published 'Sidereus Nuncius' ('The Starry Messenger') in 1610, which describes the celestial sights he saw with his new telescope. These included craters on the Moon, the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter. This facsimile was made in 1923 at the Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale, in Florence, Italy where the original still resides.

15 Kopernikus (1473 – 1543) Heliocentrisk världsbild: Inre planeterna:
R = jordens rörelse r = planeternas rörelse Yttre planeterna: R = planeternas rörelse r = jordens rörelse Stjärnorna på oändlig avstånd Kopernikus Ptolemy

16 N. Copernicus, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
(“On the revolution of celestial spheres”)

17 Ptolemaios - Aristarchus av Samos
Perfekt cirkulär rörelse (symmetri) runt jorden i centrum (människan står i centrum av Guds skapelse) I modellen kan r/R bestämmas, men inte de absoluta värdena r och R mars var tvungen att vandra med åren Jorden snurrar runt egen axel (jordens dagliga rörelse). Men: varför flyger inte allt ifrån den snurrande jorden då (“karusell”) Om jorden rör sig runt solen, varför lämnar den inte de flygande fåglarna bakom sig? Om man skjuter upp en pil rakt i himlen kommer den att hamna på samma ställe där man släppte den – borde landa en bit ifrån pga jordrörelsen Parallax effekt? Stjärnor borde ändra deras relativa positioner på himlen

18 Parallax

19 Brahe (1546 – 1601) Uranienborg: Astronomisk observatorium (utan teleskop än!) på ön Hven utanför köpenhamn 2' (bågminuter) noggrannhet 20 år observationer, men ingen bra idé om teorin bakom planeternas rörelse tror på geocentrisk världsbild This portrait is from a handcoloured print in the copies of Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica that Tycho gave to noblemen of Europe. See that Tycho's right eye is bigger than his right eye after many observations. Wandesburg 1598.

20 Kepler (1571 – 1630) Får använda Brahes anteckningar
Hittar det följande: Kopernikus model matchar inte Brahes anteckningar  8' avvikelse (2' noggrannhet) Utgående ifrån vinkelavvikelsen: mars omloppsbana ligger inom cirkeln för alla tider Idé: använd ellips för bättre beskrivning An ellipse inscribed in a circle divides lines drawn from its major axis to the circle proportionally. Point "B" divides line AA' in the same proportion as point "D" divides line CC', and so on. Kepler determined that the Sun must lie at one of the two foci of the ellipse (see the animation below). Today, Kepler's "First Law" is the idea that a planetary orbit is an ellipse lying in a plane with the Sun at one focus.

21 Keplers lagar Planeterna rör sig på elliptisk bana med solen i ena brännpunkten (1609) Sammanbindningslinjen mellan solen och en planet överfar lika stora ytor på lika långa tider (1609) Förhållandet mellan kuben på en planets medelavstånd från solen och kvadraten på dess omloppstid är lika stort för alla planeter Denna lag gör det möjligt att bestämma solsystemets dimension!

22 Solsystemet Saturnus ska till Ångströmslaboratori et, Uppsala 6.1m
Solen – Globen, Stockholm' Merkurius – Slussen, Stockholm 25 cm, 2.9km avstånd från Globen Venus, KTH, Stockholm 62 cm, 5.5km avstånd Jorden -, Stockholm 65 cm, 7.2km avstånd Mars – Mjörby, Stockholm 35 cm, 11.6 avstånd Jupiter, Arlanda flygplats 7.3m, 40km avstånd Pluto, Delsbo, 12 cm, 300km avstånd från globen Saturnus ska till Ångströmslaboratori et, Uppsala 6.1m 73km från globen Uranus har vandaliserats :-( Ska byggas på nytt i Gävle trakten... 2.6m, 146 km avstånd Neptunus, Söderhamn, 2.5m, 229 km avstånd till globen

23 Galilei (1564 – 1642) väldigt övertygande retorik
använder polemik för att uppvisa hans fienders okunnighet Bygger eget teleskop i egen verkstad Upptäcker Jupiters 4 största månar venusfaserna skymt av saturnus ringar Dialogo anledning för Inquisationsprocessen

24 Galilei - Discorsi Infinitisemal calculus
Fritt fall (hastigheten ökar lineärt med tiden) tröghetslag rörelsemängdsmomentet är bevarad Energin är bevarad i gravitationsfältet (pendel: amplituden är samma i början och efter halva perioden)

25 Descartes (1596 - 1650) Anti-Aristotelsk världsbild
Tvivla på allt Matematisk värld – allt kan förklaras m.h.a. matematiken Orsak – verkan Inget vakuum, ändligt universum Ingen fjärrverkan, rörelse kräver direkt kontakt Hela universum fyllt med materia Virvelteori – planeterna rör sig i en eter, hålls på banor runt solen p.g.a. virvlar allmänt accepterad ~ mitten av 1600-talet

26 Den nya världsbilden och religion
“But thou hast ordered all things in measure and number and weight“

27 Fore Newton Vakuum Natur Planeternas rörelse Aristoteles Galilei
Nej Logik på kristallsfär Galilei Ja Matematik utan stöd Descartes Nej (Virvelteori) Matematik, argumentativ eter (rörelse bara genom direkt kontakt) Newton ??? ?

28 Gilbert (1544 – 1603) Universitetslärare på Gresham college
Läran av en magnetisk jord försök att förstå kompassnålen Planeternas rörelse pga magnetisk kraft jorden som sfärisk magnet omgiven av en attraherande sfär Of his own experiments, the most important was conducted with a magnetized "terrella" ("little Earth"), a spherical magnet serving as a model for the Earth. By moving a small compass over the surface of the terrella, Gilbert reproduced the directional behavior of the compass; reputedly, he also demonstrated this in front of Queen Elizabeth and her court.

29 Wilkins (1614 – 1672) “The discovery of a world in the moone” (1638)
Magnetisk jord, Gilberts lära 32 km över marken  människan kan undkomma jordens magnetiska kraft

30 Wilkins losning till ”pil-problemet”
Suppose this earth were A, which was to move in the circle C, D. and let the bullet be supposed at B. within its proper verge; I say, whether this earth did stand stil or move swiftly towards D, yet the bullet would still keepe at the same distance by reason of that Magneticke vertue of the center (if I may so speake) whereby all things within its spheare are attracted with it. So that the violence to the bullet, being nothing else but that whereby 'tis removed from its center, therefore an equall violence can carry a body from its proper place, but at an equall distance whether or no the center stand still or move An arrow shot up right in the air will land at the same spot in this model, whether or not the Earth moves Discovery of a world in the Moone (1638),

31 Wilkins – reflektion But to this I answere, that the argument will not hold of such bodies, whose superficies is full of unequall parts and gibbosities as the Moone is. Wherefore it is as well the more probable as the more common opinion, that her light proceedes from both these causes, from reflexion and illumination; nor doth it herein differ from our earth, since that also hath some light by illumination: for how otherwise would the parts about us in a Sunne-shine day appeare so bright, when as all the rayes of reflexion cannot enter into our eye Discovery of a world in the Moone (1638),

32 Wilkins – Discovery of a world in the Moone (1638)
Proposition 1. - That the strangenesse of this opinion is no sufficient reason why it should be rejected, because other certaine truths have beene formerly esteemed ridiculous, and great absurdities entertayned by common consent. -- By way of Preface. Prop That a plurality of worlds doth not contradict any principle of reason or faith. Prop That the heavens doe not consist of any such pure matter which can priviledge them from the like change and corruption, as these inferiour bodies are liable unto. Prop That the Moone is a solid, compacted opacous body.  Prop That the Moone hath not any light of her owne.  Prop That there is a world in the Moone, hath beene the direct opinion of many ancient, with some moderne Mathematicians, and may probably be deduced from the tenents of others. Prop That those spots and brighter parts which by our sight may be distinguished in the Moone, doe shew the difference betwixt the Sea and Land in that other world. Prop That the spots represent the Sea, and the brighter parts the Land.  Prop That there are high Mountaines, deepe vallies, and spacious plaines in the body of the Moone. Prop That there is an Atmo-sphæra, or an orbe of grosse vaporous aire, immediately encompassing the body of the Moone. Prop That as their world is our Moone, so our world is their Moone. Prop That tis probable there may bee such Meteors belonging to that world in the Moone, as there are with us. Prop That tis probable there may be inhabitants in this other World, but of what kinde they are is uncertaine.  But I dare not jest with Divine truthes, or apply these places according as fancy directs. As I thinke this opinion doth not any where contradict Scripture, so I thinke likewise, that it cannot be proved from it, wherefore Campanella’s second conjecture may be more probable, that the inhabitants of that world, are not men as wee are, but some other kinde of creatures which beare some proportion and likenesse to our natures, and Cusanus too thinkes they differ from us in many respects; I will set downe his words as they may bee found in the abovecited place, Suspicamus in regione solis magis esse solares, claros & illuminatos intellectuares habitatores, spiritu aliores etiam quam in lunâ, ubi magis lunatici, & in terra, magis materiales, & grossi, ut illi intellectualis naturæ solares sint multum in actu & parum in potentia; terreni vero magis in potentia, & parum in actu, lunares in medio fluctuantes. Hoc quidem opinamur ex influentia ignili solis aquatica simul & aeria lunæ, & gravedine materiali terræ, & consimiliter de aliis stellarum regionibus suspicantes, nullam habitatoribus carêre, quasi tot sint partes particulares mundiales omnius universi, quot sunt stellæ quarum non est numerus, nisi apud eum qui omnia in numero creavit. “Wee may conjecture (saith he) the inhabiters of the Sunne are like to the nature of that Planet, more cleare and bright, more intellectuall and spirituall than those in the Moone where they are neerer to the nature of that duller Planet, and those of the earth being more grosse and materiall than either, so that these intellectuall natures in the Sun, are more forme than matter, those in the earth more matter than forme, and those in the Moone betwixt both. This wee may guesse from the fiery influence of the Sunne, the watery and aereous influence of the Moone, as also the matereall heavinesse of the earth. In some such manner likewise is it with the regions of the other Starres, for wee conjecture that none of them are without inhabitants, but that there are so many particular worlds and parts of this one universe, as there are Stars which are innumerable, unlesse it bee to him who created all things in number.” For he held that the stars were not all in one equall [Cusanus=Nicholas of Kues]

33 Wilkins (1614 – 1672) “The discovery of a world in the moone” (1638)
månen reflekterar ljus från solen och skiner inte själv det finns dalar och bergar på månen, vatten och land ändlig, tunn kraftsfär (magnetismen) 1640: ologiskt att ha en ändlig, tunn kraftsfär  kraft som avtar med radien

34 Wilkins (1940) ”It is probable, that this magneticall
Discovery of a world in the Moone (1638) ”It is probable, that this magneticall vigor dos remit of its degrees proportionally to its distance from Earth, which is the cause of it” En kraft som avtar med avståndet från jorden!

35 Wren (1632 – 1723) 1666 – Aterbygger London efter stora branden
Astronomiprofessor I Gresham (1657 – 1661) I Oxford (efter 1661) A Parallel of some of the Principal Towers and Steeples built by Sir Christopher Wren 1, St. Dunstan in the East. 2, St. Magnus. 3, St. Benet, Gracechurch-street. 4, St. Edmund the King, Lombard-street. 5, St. Margaret Pattens. 6, Allhallows the Great. 7, St. Mary Abchurch. 8, St Michael, Cornhill. 9, St. Lawrence, Jewry. 10, St.Benet Fink. 11, St.Bartholomew. 12, St. Michael, Queenhithe. 13, St. Michael Royal. 14, St. Antholia, Watling-street. 15, St. Stephen, Walbrook. 16, St. Swithin, Cannon-street. 17, St. Mary-l-eBow. 18, Christ Church, Newgate-street. 19, St. Ncholas, Cole Abbey, 20, St. Mildred, Bread-street. 21, St. Augustin, Watling-street. 22, St. Mary Somerset. 23, St. Martin, Ludgate. 24, St. Andrew by the Wardrobe. 25, St. Bride, Fleet-street. A large area of London was damaged by fire between September 2 and September 6, The fire started accidentally at Farriner's Bakery in Pudding Lane and destroyed 13,200 houses and 87 churches at a cost of 10% of the entire wealth of England at the time.

36 Hooke (1635 – 1703) 1660 – “Hookes lag” 1662 1662/1664
elasticitetslära deformationens storlek är proportionellt till den påverkande kraften 1662 “Curator of Experiments” i unga “Royal Society” 1662/1664 försöker utföra ett experiment som skulle visa att jordens dragningskraft varierar med höjden Mäter kroppernas vikt på Westminster Abbey och på gamla St Paul's Cathedral upptäcker ingen skillnad

37 Hooke och gravitationen
1666 pendel som delas upp i 2 strängar pendeln (jorden & månen) svängar runt ett centrum (solen) 1674 “Attempt to prove the motion of the Earth”, med appendix: “Three suppositions” (tre förmodan) i permanent konflikt med Isaac Newton

38 Hookes (1635 – 1723), First supposition – Första förmodan
“First, That all Coelestial Bodies whatsoever, have an attraction or gravitating power towards their own Centers, whereby they attract not only their own parts and keep them from flying from them, as we may observe the Earth to do, but that they do also attract all the other Coelestial Bodies that are within the sphere of their activity“

39 Hookes (1635 – 1723), Second supposition – andra förmodan
“The second supposition is this, That all bodies whatsoever that are put into a direct and simple motion, will so continue to move forward in a streight line, till they are by some other effectual powers deflected and bent into a Motion, describing a Circle, Ellipsis, or some other more compounded Curve Line“

40 Dynamisk rorelse i en orbit

41 Hookes (1635 – 1723) third supposition – tredje förmodan
“The third supposition is, That these attractive powers are so much the more powerful in operating, by how much the nearer the body wrought upon is to their own Centers.“

42 Hooke om 1/r eller 1/r2 “Now what these several degrees are I have not yet experimentally verified... He that understands the nature of the Circular Pendulum and Circular Motion, will easily understand the whole ground of this Principle.“

43 Sammanfattning Kepler – himmelsmekanik
Galilei – fysikalisk beskrivning av jordiska mekaniken Problemet pa 1600-talet: forsok att forena jordiska fenomen med himmelsmekaniken vilken kraft driver planeterna (Gilbert, Wilkins et al.: magnetismen; Galilei et al.: gravitationen) hur andras kraften (avstånd, rorelse, ...) Hooke Korrekt beskrivning av dynamisk rorelse Kraften avtar med radien (hur exakt är oviktigt) Kraften är dock inte universell Men: hittills okänd av Newton

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